
The DST realised that technological upgrading or support is most often the key intervention required to improve the competitiveness of a firm, or to enable the firm to achieve the levels of quality, time and cost required by the OEM, or by the SOC. The DST therefore developed the Technology Localisation Plan (TLP) to support technology localisation and the support mechanism to deliver technological support is the Technology Assistance Packages (TAPs). The TLP presents an overarching and generic framework for DST's engagement in technology localisation initiatives, including the CSDP.


Localisation aims at increasing the local industrial activity – manufacturing or services. Successful localisation is viewed as increased local content in capital programmes and operations. Bold intervention is required to raise the capabilities of local manufacturing companies so that they can earn a share of the recapitalisation investments, and ultimately enter export markets as competitive suppliers into the OEM's global supply chains.

Where we work

We are active throughout South Africa, particularly in the Eastern Cape, Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal and the Western Cape.

The TLIU has its main office in Pretoria. Regional offices are located in Cape Town and Durban.